January 14, 2013

The Energy of Longing

You don't get what you want, you get what your vibrate. - Michael Losier

One of the big principals I am working on (and have been for a long time) is the Law of Attraction (LOA).  Lately I have had some insights that seem to be hitting me over the head.  There are a couple of teachers I have become attracted to lately - Danielle LaPort and Lynn Grabhorn. The theme of the over-the-head-hitting and the teachings of Danielle and Lynn is connecting the reality that what is in my life at this moment is a result of the "feeling" vibrations I have been sending out into the Universe.  This is a distinction of the LOA that I have learned but didn't truly understand until recently.

Over the years I have learned this truth about the LOA:  Your thoughts create images, those images evoke feeling, your feeling create energy, that energy is a vibration that goes into the world to find "like" vibrations.  So you get what you think about.  Right?  Right!  But there is something deeper that I have been missing and that is the word feeling.  Feelings are what really stimulate the energy that creates the vibration that goes out into the world.  The thought begins the process, but the feeling is the power.  It is how your thoughts make you feel that determines the eventual outcome.  This is huge when it comes to the Body Belief issues. Huge!

The other day this crystalized in my brain during a moment of feelings clarity!  I was day dreaming about clothes.  In a magazine I saw this really cute outfit and I started thinking about how I would love to wear that style.  At first it felt good - I was getting motivated about losing weight and getting healthy and wearing that outfit and feeling fantastic.  But, within seconds, the feeling shifted.  It turned into a feeling of longing, longing for something I saw as impossible or so far away that it made me sad and I began to feel less than.  My thought shifted to how fat I am now and how I remembered after losing weight how fun it was to wear clothes in a small size.  The sense of longing took on a life of its own and I realized that what I was feeling was not going to create the life I really wanted.  The way I was feeling was going to continue  to create the life I already had.  One of being fat and feeling "less than", on the outside looking in.  A very low vibration.

It was during this experience that I clearly saw how longing is a very negative emotion for me. (For anyone, actually.) And more importantly, I saw the connection between thoughts - images - feelings - energy - vibration.  And, if I want to change my life, I have to change my feelings.  I don't need to go another diet - I need to get in touch with what feelings my thoughts create.  Very powerful.  It has been helping me pay better attention to where my mind wanders and I can recognize when I need to do a vibration alignment much more quickly!  This understanding of longing was a important insight for me, and I will have to mull it over for a while!  More to follow.

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