March 22, 2013

The Truth About Love

In today's email I received a newsletter from Chris Zydel.  The teacher of the Painting from the Wild Heart retreat I am going to this September in New Mexico. (I'm sooooo excited!)  She wrote a beautiful poem I want to share with you.

It speaks to me, because it shares the essence of my feelings about my work with Body Belief.  Body Belief is the journey to this place she writes - the perfect embodiment of love inside each of us to express here on earth!  If we were to embrace that fully, letting go of the judgement, criticism and shame we carry in our bodies - what astounding miracles could unfold.   I am going to print this poem and place it on the wall above my writing space so I can be reminded of this truth!  May I write from this belief and hold love in my being with every word!  Thank you Chris!!

The Truth About Love
By Chris Zydel

You are a prayer
Your presence a blessing
Your body a thing of beauty
The very fact that you even exist
A miracle beyond measure

Take a moment
Right here
Right now
To remember that you know how
You have ALWAYS known how

To breathe in the light
To exhale the stars
To dance wildly on mountaintops
To stretch your heart around the world
To be a raging river of mercy

Let this holy truth
Pump and pulse
Through every vein and artery and capillary
Of your sweet body

You are love
Only love
Endless love
Unceasing love
Forever love

Yes you
Are the gorgeous, blessed, dazzling sacred heart of love

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