August 22, 2012

Dreams--Are You Living Yours?

"Dreams can come true...if we have the courage to pursue them." ~ Walt Disney

Over the past couple of days I have heard some things that have caused me to look differently at my life. The subject -- following your dreams.

First, a good friend had the courage to talk honestly with me and helped me recognized that I am the one standing in the way of my dreams.  Talking to her enabled me to see clearly that I am using excuses as a shield and these excuses have turned into road blocks (maybe even walls).  

Secondly, I listened to a community call with Patricia Moreno from Sati and she talked about living your dreams--shouting them out loud - saying YES to them - living an inspired life.  While listening to the call I had the same feeling I had earlier talking to my friend--an awakening to the truth.  It became crystal clear to me that I am afraid to go after my dreams!

How is it possible that I am afraid of my dreams?  Has that ever happened to you?  I see what I want in my mind and internally it rings true - it feels like this dream will make my heart sing--yet I am not willing to do what it takes to really go for it.  Staying stuck seems so much safer than taking a risk.  Not upsetting the apple cart of my life routine seems like the best choice.

Then, I question it.  Is this really my dream?  Who knows if this dream is worth it.  I’ve tried so many paths before and they didn’t really make me happy.  Why can’t I be satisfied with the status quo.   But something keeps pulling me . . . this feeling deep inside that there is more for me to do.  It is like a magnetic force - always tugging at me, keeping me longing to follow my heart . . . my dreams.

Ultimately it takes courage and staying stuck is safe.  Taking risks, exposing yourself to failure or success are big fears, and change is walking into the unknown.  I have a lot to think about -- wonder what I'll do?

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