November 24, 2012

Awakening to the Secret Code of Your Mind

Through the flow of synchronicity yesterday I came across a book by Darren R. Weissman called Awakening to the Secret Code of Your Mind.  This morning I started reading it and already know that it is going to be on the top 10 list of those books that I am going to recall, quote and recommend, and I am only on the first chapter.

It starts with a quote from another of my top 10 authors, Gregg Braden.

". . . . we live in an interactive reality where we change the world around us by changing what happens inside of us while we're watching--that is, our thoughts, feelings, and beliefs . .  . From the healing of disease, to the length of our lives, to the success of our careers and relationships, everything that we experience as 'life' is directly linked to what we believe." 

This book explores the concepts of beliefs and how they shape our current reality - and that has been a study area of mine for years.  In 2007 I began working on a book and workshop format called Body Belief - exploring our relationship between our thoughts (and beliefs) and our physical body and what stops us from connecting with our innate body wisdom.  Recently I have begun working on and updating this project, I just can't let it go.  And I know this book has come to me at this time to support me in this process. 

Weissman writes, "When you find yourself stuck in a pattern--repeatedly reacting to a life experience in a negative or painful way-- it's a sign that the energy moving you is motivated by survival and protection rather than your present circumstances.  The LifeLine Law of Transformation and Creation states: Emotions transform energy; energy creates movement; movement is change; and change is the essence of life.  More than the fear of death, it's the fear of change that keeps people stuck in a cycle of self-destruction and self-defeat.  When you're able to embrace change, follow your heart, and go with the flow, you're emotionally flowing through life, and life is emotionally flowing through you."

And, the biggest thing that keeps us stuck in the old pattern - our beliefs.  Can't wait to read more and uncover and discover more about getting unstuck!

In the spirit of change, Cindy

November 13, 2012

What Makes You Come Alive?

A friend of mine from Ohio posted this on Facebook this morning.

Don’t ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.            - Howard Thurman

I was lying in bed, not ready to get up and face the chilly morning, so I grabbed my phone and did my morning check- emails, eBay auctions and new Facebook posts.  When I read this quote it hit me like a ton of bricks.  This is what I have been feeling for months (years).  I have an aliveness that is springing forth that can't be stopped.  It brings me joy and comfort and sense of purpose.  But sometimes, well a lot of times, I stop it - put a cap on it. It is a method of self sabotage.  And this morning I saw that clearly.  

There should be nothing stopping me from doing what makes me come alive!  That is what life is about - that is what makes the difference between really living and just going through the motions.  

I am grateful for this mornings reminder!  There is no greater gift to give the world, the community,  friends and family than truly coming alive!  It is through your aliveness that you fulfill your mission and shine your light!  That is where the magic is!  That is what life is all about!

So today - ask yourself what makes you come alive and start doing more of that!  That's what I am going to do!

In the spirit of aliveness,  Cindy