The TRUTH about Thigh Gaps |
Tonight, by chance, I saw a segment on the news about this topic. It seems to be the latest trend in teen girls and it is filling Tumblr, Facebook and Twitter with pictures and posts about how to get them. Just when I thought it was impossible to have some other ridiculous and unhealthy body image gimmick, along comes thigh gap!
Teen girls want to have a space between their thighs, and the wider the better. I did a quick internet search and there were over 7 million matches. There are thigh gap blogs, challenges, exercises on how to get it, photos, your name it. Thigh gaps are hot. How can that be? It doesn't seem natural and seems nearly impossible to obtain. The picture above describes it as a bone structure issue, not something you can achieve through exercise or diet.
The picture on the right is one I found on the internet with a caption that read "An example of an envy inducing thigh gap." What? Shocking! This girl looks like she is starving and malnourished, not someone to be envied. She almost looks deformed. And this is something to strive for in the name of beauty? Things are going very wrong in our society! What is happening to our girls!
Honestly, I was nearly speechless when I heard the report. After decades of awareness about eating disorders and the media distortion of body image, I would like to believe that we have advanced in that area. But, this just proves to me that we are seeing another generation of women who are growing up at war with their bodies. Focused and obsessed with their body image, equating it to their value. This has to stop!
This motivates me further to keep writing my book and looking at this issue in a whole new way! Body Belief - it's all about reconnecting with our innate body wisdom NOT some crazy unrealistic body shape. This is just insane!
If you want to find out more - watch the news story on ABC.
What do you think about this latest trend. I would to hear your opinions. Just leave a comment.